Helipunto Las Ballenas

 ¿Qué ver en Helipunto las ballenas, Carabobo?

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Helipunto Las Ballenas is a helicopter tour company located in Carabobo, Venezuela. Unfortunately, I could not find an official website for this company. However, according to some tour booking websites, the prices for their tours range from $150 to $400 USD per person, depending on the tour length and route.

As for the tour schedules, again, I couldn't find any official information. However, some booking websites suggest that the tours are available daily, from morning to afternoon.

Now, as for the things to see around the area, Las Ballenas is located near the beautiful beaches of Puerto Cabello, which is worth a visit. Additionally, the Tamanaco de la Costa Wildlife Refuge is also nearby, offering visitors a chance to see a variety of wildlife species, such as monkeys, iguanas, and exotic birds. The refuge is open daily from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

In summary, Helipunto Las Ballenas is a helicopter tour company located in Carabobo, Venezuela, offering tours at various prices. While there is no official website available, the tours are suggested to be available daily. Nearby attractions include the beaches of Puerto Cabello and the Tamanaco de la Costa Wildlife Refuge.

(Pregúntas y respuestas para los que viajan a Helipunto las ballenas)
(Rutas realizadas por otros viajeros que pasan por Helipunto las ballenas)